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Get attachments for spot



Fetch the list of attachments in a spot for the given spot ID.


Query Parameters

    spotID stringrequired

    Spot ID for which attachments are to be fetched.


200 response




    List of attachments

  • Array [

  • orderNo int64

    Order number of the attachment

    url uri

    URL of the attachment



    A set of attributes for the attachment

    photo360 boolean

    Whether the attachment is a 360-degree photo

    rotation double

    Rotation angle of the attachment

    type int32

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3]

    Type of the attachment. 0 = Document, 1 = Photo, 2 = Audio, 3 = Video

    spotID uuid

    ID of the spot to which the attachment is linked

    assetID uuid

    ID of the asset to which the spot attachment belongs

    id uuid

    ID of the spot attachment

    name string

    Name of the attachment

    remarks string

    Remarks of the attachment

    thumbnailURL uri

    URL of the thumbnail image of the attachment

    updatedAt int64

    Timestamp when the spot attachment was last updated in milliseconds

    updatedBy int64

    ID of the user who last updated the spot attachment

    createdAt int64

    Timestamp when the spot attachment was created in milliseconds

    createdBy int64

    ID of the user who created the spot attachment

  • ]
