The Authentication APIs provide secure access to the platform's resources by utilizing the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials flow. This flow allows applications to authenticate using their client credentials (client ID and secret) without requiring user involvement. Once authenticated, the client can access protected APIs and services on behalf of the application, enabling secure communication and data exchange across the platform. These APIs are essential for scenarios involving machine-to-machine communication where no user interaction is needed.
📄️ Generate Auth Access Token
This API endpoint allows clients to obtain OAuth 2.0 access tokens using the `client_credentials` grant type. The client must provide its client ID and client secret in the `Authorization` header, using the `Basic` authentication scheme. The generated access token can then be used to authenticate and access protected resources within the system.
📄️ Authorization Code Flow Request
This API endpoint initiates the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow and is specifically designed to be accessed via a browser-based redirect. To initiate the flow, the client application must redirect the user's browser to this endpoint with the required query parameters, including client_id, redirect_uri, and response_type.
📄️ Revoke Auth Token
Revokes an access token or refresh token. The client application must provide valid credentials and the token to be revoked.